7 tools

7 Great Tools to Simultaneously Post Content to Multiple Social Media Sites

  1. Hootsuite

  2. Postling

  3. Dlvr.it

  4. Ifttt.com

  5. ManageWP

  6. Gremln Social

  7. Sendible.com



  1. Twitter Tools by Sprout Social

  2. socialoomph.com

  3. Multimi

  4. Buffer

  5. Sociota

Sit to write some quality content, and you’ll find time fleeting away without any break.

When posting the hard work you put on quality content to multiple social media platforms, you can expect an eternity until done. Click To Tweet

However, how good would it be if we could have a simple way of doing it all at once without wasting so much time with manual steps. When time management is easy with these seven steps, why wait any other second? Let’s dive in:


1. Hootsuite

Most likely to top the social media tools, Hootsuite comes with multiple helpful tools to aid you with your social media posting journeys. Speed and efficiency matter in this industry, and Hootsuite provides the exact requirements to fulfill that criterion. Posts can be automated and scheduled, and social network integration is supported. You also get analytics and many tools to monitor your social media activities.

2. Postling

Now small business users are in for some profits. Posting will help you publish on multiple networking sites in one location of centralization with no shortened post as done by many other multi-posting sites such as Ping.fm.

3.  Dlvr.it

Don’t just post on multiple platforms. You can now generate an RSS feed and use it on RSS import supported places.

4.  Ifttt.com

If this, then that can help you with replicating posts from one social media to another. The so-called recipes are responsible for changes in other websites if a change takes place in one website.

5.  ManageWP

An all-in-one platform to aid you with managing WordPress websites, manage comments, backups, plugins, and analytics through the mega-dashboard. Even though it costs, it’s worth it to have all in one feature on one platform.

6. Gremln Social

Gremlnsocial.com is a free tool to help with posting on many social media sites like Linkedln, Twitter, Facebook, etc., and connect the required documents/images/videos or blog feed.

7. Sendible.com

It’s worth the costs that Sendible.com incurs if you can have multiple features at once. You can easily publish posts on all different social media sites at your preferred time, with photos/videos attached and your brand name attached along with it. You can also measure the ROI on social media and set up multiple social media accounts for the clients.



When you are running out of time, the above seven tools will save your breath. Whether it’s a behind-schedule post/ article, you can rest easy with the savior features of these terrific tools.

Bonus Suprise

1. Twitter Tools by Sprout Social

→ Costed

→ Distributed new posts on Twitter

2. socialoomph.com

→ Content aggregator with blog options

3. Multimi

→ Free

→ Helps to post on multiple sites simultaneously.

4. Buffer

→ You can schedule posts from different social media accounts.

5. Sociota

→ Costed

→ Helps to manage multiple profiles, pages, and groups on a single dashboard