
The Four Types of Keywords You Should Know About

The Four Types of Keywords You Should Know About

Are you willing to understand the foundations behind your target keywords?

Developing an intent-based SEO strategy for your business can help you significantly in going ahead of your competition. To build an effective and intent-based strategy for your website, you need to have a deeper understanding of the different types of keywords.

So, what are the different types of keywords?

There are mainly four types of keywords namely,

Informational keywords —Searchers looking for any advice or information of the queries that they searched

Navigational keywords — searchers looking for a particular site or page specifically

Commercial keywords — searchers intending to examine brands or services.

Transactional keywords — searchers want to do some action or purchase

Having a clear understanding of keywords can help you identify the intention behind the searcher’s input. For example, If she or he wants to collect some information, or looking for some product, or want to buy a product.

A keyword concept can help you create a better content strategy for your website. So, what should your content be like? To answer that question, let’s dig deeper into the four types of Keywords:

1. Informational:

Even after using keywords that have immense volume, why do those keywords fail to bring website conversions?

When people simply want to gain some knowledge or information on a particular subject, their searches would be called Informational keywords.

Informational keyword examples:

Green Tea benefits

National Tea day

Difference between Black tea and green tea

These are usually the “what” and “how-to” questions where a searcher is looking for just consuming the information.

Google usually tries to provide quick answers to these “Question words” in the form of snippets, infoboxes, or carousel. The possibility of action taken by a searcher is less here as compared to transactional or commercial keywords.

However, you can leverage this type of keyword for improving your brand image by posting informational content around your niche for educating your audience. By targeting this keyword type, Your website would get the authority of being trusted by people looking for information around your niche

2. Navigational

Navigational is another type of keyword that an SEO specialist, Content Writer, or Marketer must be aware of.

Navigational search is when the searcher searches for a brand, company, or product’s name in a search engine.

Following are the example of Navigational search:

Quaff Media

Nike Shoes

How can I get to Starbucks

The user here already knows the brand or the company and the user intent here is to find the website of the product or brand for buying purposes. These keywords can help generate organic traffic when the brand is already well-known in the audience.


3. Commercial

These are the keywords that show the interest of searchers in a certain brand, product, or service.

People search for such keywords when they want to gain information on a certain product or service. This can be the research in a certain product before purchasing or comparison of different brands with the attention of buying one of them.

These commercial, product or brand-based researchers can be supported by articles, listicles, reviews, etc

Following are the examples of commercial keywords:

Benefits of Blue Tokai Coffee

Difference between iPhone12 and iPhone13

Asus gaming laptop reviews

These keywords reveal the buying intent of the searcher. These keywords can be resourceful to engage with the audience and determine conversion strategies for this set of searchers.

4. Transactional

Transactional keywords reveal the strongest buying intention of the searcher. It suggests searchers’ intention of buying or imminent actions for the product.

These keywords should be targeted with paid ads. Also, the purchase pages must be highly optimized and displayed with CTA for immediate action on the site.

Following are the examples of Transactional keywords:

Buy Nike Shoes under INR 1000

Food delivery from the nearest Chinese restaurant

Second-hand car for sale

These searches are the by-product of product research. This means that the searcher has already made the decision and is determined to take the action or make the purchase.

These keywords often compromise words like “Buy”, “For sale”, “Under INR 500,1000, etc”. You might also have noticed that Google often displays ads for such transaction keywords on its SERPs.

These keywords are very valuable in determining Keywords, SEO, or PPC strategy.