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Match Your Competitors

Our aims hit better when we have a competition, Facebook has benchmarks for the following four metrics

1 Average click-through Rate on Facebook

2 Average Cost per click on Facebook

3 Average Conversion Rate on Facebook

4 Average Cost Per Action on Facebook

Relevant Facebook Ads

Advertisements will give you leads only if they can attract customers/viewers by relevancy and quality engagement. Click To Tweet

Less relevance will decrease your sale conversions. Be clear about your objectives and keep your ad simple yet significant.


Sizing & Spec Requirements

Not everything is going to fix in a box! neither you nor fix the square size of ads, Facebook has defined pixel size for each graphic you are going to upload. Here’s the summary of pixel sizes provided by Facebook: –

  • Image ads: Size: 1,200 X 628 pixels. Ratio: 1.91:1. Text: 90 characters. Headline: 25 characters. Link description: 30 characters.
  • Video ads: Format: .mov or .mp4. Ratio: 16:9. Resolution: at least 720p. File size: 2.3 GB max. Thumbnail size: 1,200 x 675 pixels. Text: 90 characters. Headline: 25 characters. Link description: 30 characters.
  • Carousel ads: Image size: 1,080 x 1,080 pixels. Image/video ratio: 1:1. Text: 90 characters. Headline: 40 characters. Link description: 20 characters.
  • Slideshow ads: Size: 1,289 x 720 pixels. Ratio: 16:9, 1:1, or 2:3. Text: 90 characters. Headline: 25 characters. Link description: 30 characters.

Make sure you take care of the perspectives next time.

Facebook Remarketing

Remarketing refers to getting back to the previous audience and targeting them for a new sale. A remarketing audience can help Facebook to find out the region, interest, category for targeting the new market. It helps to customize new audiences as well as keep old ones with us too.

Use Facebook GIF Ads

Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) are short videos that are more impactful than long 5 -10 minutes videos that no one is interested in watching. GIFs are videos without sound and they keep playing in a loop for which one does not have to build skills and resources to make. There are so many websites and apps that can help you to create your customized GIF, for example, GIPHY, SNAGIT, etc.

These GIF ads should be clear, catchy, and significant to attract one’s attention.

Facebook Video Ads

Facebook ads video work 1.81X more than other graphics, watching time of video ads is higher and having great insights as well. The maximum length of videos on Facebook can be 240 minutes, so if you are planning to tell the storyline of your venture with the introduction, this can be a good idea but better to keep things short and significant. A survey shows that over 500 million people watch videos on Facebook.

Try Facebook Canvas Ads

Have you ever noticed any Canva ads in action on your Facebook feed? If yes, it means you are probably interested in it. Canva ads are templates that are a mixture of jumbling images, text, and some animation. Canva ads are engaging, the average viewer time per ad is statically 31 seconds. These Canva provide several templates that can be used by anyone according to their need and brand image. Templates include a call to action buttons which are very helpful in ads.

Facebook Carousel Ads

Carousel ads allow you to post multiple posts at once, you can post up to 10 different images with 10 different captions on different landing pages! Ain’t this so amazing feature?

A must-try for someone who deals with multiple products for sale or service.

Facebook Pixel

Facebook pixel is a code that is present on the website to measure the effectiveness of your advertising by understanding the actions people take on your website. Audience specifications are the most important thing in Facebook ads and pixels help to find and set an audience that will help you to grow.