
Top 5 Social Media SEO Techniques of 2022

Are you searching how to use social media as your content strategy for improving your SEO and Search Engine ranking? Do you want to skyrocket the effectiveness of your SEO strategy with the help of social media? In this blog, you’ll look into the top 5 techniques that can help you build a strong SEO strategy using Social Media:

So, let’s dive straight in:

Here are the top 5 techniques to improve your website ranking with the help of Social Media:


1. Post high-quality content

Search marketing has changed a lot than it was before. SEO has been evolving every while and google has been surprising us with its updating algorithms from time to time. Basically, Google bots or crawlers and search engine algorithm’s motive is to understand user intent and provide them with relevant and quality content.

These are a few factors that help enable Google to provide the most relevant and authentic content based on the user’s search query. In short, If you’re thinking of creating a keyword bucket and then stuffing your content with those keywords that will serve your purpose then you’re wrong. Google would push your website on the top only if with all the other SEO techniques, your content serves quality too. It is also applicable on social media. If you post well-researched content that people can rely on then your website will be bound to get noticed by more people and it will ultimately rank high on SERPs.

2. Make shareable content

People use social media for a variety of reasons. However, marketers use social media to convey their brand’s message to a larger audience.  The reason is simple, tapping more audience will grow your business’s brand awareness and generate leads.

But how would that happen if your content could not be shared by your followers easily? This is where you twist your social media strategy to make your posts more shareable. Make sure all the social media icons or buttons, the call-in actions are in place and easy to reach on your website. Likewise, on social media posts, use CTAs or call to action to guide your followers to reshare your content.

3. SEO Optimize your social media profiles

Often, your potential clients would stalk your social media profiles before getting in touch with you – It’s because they want to get an idea of who you are and what your work is. Nowadays, while you apply for a job, you’ll often see that the job application requirements also include social media profiles. So, make sure that your profile is compelling. Include all the ingredients to attract your client.

Don’t neglect to optimize your social media profile because it can prevent you from appearing on searches throughout the web.

4. Optimize Your Images for SEO and Social

Visuals are one of the most important aspects of digital marketing. They are an excellent marketing content type that helps in conveying your brand’s message effectively. Adding images to your social media content would help you transfer the information more effectively.

The human brain is designed to process visuals faster – and thus, people react more to visual content than written content. According to several studies, It is found that a human brain can process around 36000 images 60000x faster than any other type of content. Visual content is also better retained.

So, to make your images help you in SEO, you need to optimize them so that they could appear on social media and search results. Here are some ways you can improve your image optimization:

  1. Give appropriate file name to your downloaded images

  2. choose the right format

  3. Try reducing the file size to make your site load faster

  4. Make sure the images are responsive

  5. Create keyword-oriented compelling captions

  6. Add an alt text with keywords

Also, always use high-quality photos for your social media for better engagement.

5. Communicate Actively on Social Media

Building relationships is one of the best methods of increasing engagement on your social media accounts. Active conversations and relationships help build brand trust and establish authenticity. It also helps you strategize about your target audience, their needs, and their pain points.

So, when they realize that you create awareness about their struggles and maybe provide solutions to them, they will engage more with you. And social media is hands down the most effective platform for such interactions. Some of the ways you can interact with your audience in social media are through social groups, forums, and marketing profiles.

Don’t wait for your marketing persona to reach out to you. Break the ice and strike up a conversation with your target audience.