
Ways to optimize referral programs powerfully

Sometimes, the referral program setup feels like it is getting stagnant, even after putting in the required efforts. What went wrong? Where did it go wrong?

It’s not only you who faces this problem because referral programs are not always easy to optimize.

There could be many lingering questions that underlay the failure of optimization.

The following are the four ways to help you with optimizing your referral program:

Keep it easy

Make your CTAs and value proposition memorable so that it’s easy for people to refer their friends and family to you. A value proposition needs to be straightforward to understand and find.

The propositions should hit the audience on whether your products will help to make their lives better or not. It should be in alliance with the needs and desires of the audience.

A similar case goes for CTAs too. Highlight the benefits of your referral program and use words that prompt the customers to take action.


Email can be a way to post trusted content because most customers prefer emails. You can use this to your advantage by promoting your products and services along with the referral program. To bring more attention, you can include email blasts.

Using banners for CTAs can help to make the offer look more visible and trusted.

The referral landing page is the page where the referred people will land. So you must make your value proposition clear and highly relevant to the referral program. Make it look powerful enough to convince people about your company and services.

A dedicated referrer page has all the information to know for participating in a referral program. Include all the essential told and buttons so that people who visit it can surf easily.


It might be that the customers aren’t referring to your product as much as you expected them to, even when they like your product. It might be because they forgot that your referral program exists.

Keep reminding them about your program from time to time. Send reminders or prompts to make sure people keep getting a reminder that your referral program exists.

A customer journey map gives you proper insight and idea of following your strategies before proceeding to the step of a referral program.

A customer journey map is tricky as it goes through many stages. The five stages are as follows:

  • Awareness
  • Consideration
  • Purchase stage

At this point in a relationship, the customer has already chosen you for servicing them. All you need to do is strike the iron when it’s at its hottest.

Put referral links and promote your referral program as much as possible through:

  • Confirmation page
  • Confirmation email
  • Purchase summary
  • Post-purchase page
  • Retention

At this stage, they already like your product, and you need to keep them convinced so that they can also send out referrals for new customers.

  • Marketing emails.
  • Dedicated referral page
  • Events
  • Advocacy

At this stage, people are already your big fans. They also keep referring to their acquaintances and keep helping you with your referral program.

To keep the relationship that way, make sure to send them personalized thank you gifts and messages so that they feel appreciated and special by a cute gesture.

You can do this by sending them:

  • Branded gifts/items
  • Gift cards
  • Thank-you Notes
  • A token of thanks on social media

Referral Program Gamification

Make your referral program fun and exciting by adding an element of gaming. You can include gaming mechanics to make it more fun and keep the customers playing and coming back to back.

Gamification helps increase social sharing by 22% and online activity by 68% because its competitiveness is affected by a pinch of social engagement. And this could create a milestone for your referral program.

Following are some ways that can help you to gamify and help spice things up:

Point System

Progress Bars

The progress bars help the customers to track their progress. The bars give them the motivation to keep coming back to back.

To make it spicier, make sure to add their referral count or the number of referrals they need to share for rising points.


Visuals are the heart of any game. The more attractive the visuals are, the more engagement it collects.

Hence to make the referral program more engaging, keep people engaged with visuals and get them tight in their seats with anticipation.

Picking Rewards

Picking rewards may be tricky for the referral programs because it involves considering what the customers will like.

Following are some ideas to help you with the confusion:

Cash rewards

Giving out cash rewards is the most common and easiest way to go. However, it has its downside as well. It beings in poor leads and can be a bit difficult to manage. Hence it might also cause the referral program to lose its popularity soon enough.



Most businesses conduct a subscription-based referral program to encourage the users to use your service and get an up-gradation through referrals.

Tier Awards

The reward system comprises people sending many referrals to get on higher tier levels and be eligible for higher rewards. And it is not only flexible but also offers a variety of awards to the customers, encouraging them to send more referrals.


A referral program is no easy deal, and we understand it. Let the target audience be your guide at times when you feel confused about your choices and decision. The ray of light comes from the source itself, and the audience will help you bring the best outcome you want by giving you subtle and open ideas about your referral program. Just be on the lookout for such opportunities and get the customers excited.