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Top 10 Ways of Improving Your Facebook’s Engagement


Post Timings Matters

Create follower-centric content

Analyze your previous most engaging posts

Enhance your visual content

Comments and replies must not be ignored

Improvise your on-site content

Include CTAs

Upload videos, Not links

Keep it short

Go for employee advocacy


Getting engagement on Facebook is not so easy nowadays. Following a few tailor-made steps might not get your posts featured on facebook’s news feed. However, the recent update by Facebook is not as intimidating as it seems.

The solution is quite direct. Facebook wants pages to reanalyze their content and see how they earn engagements. In other terms,

Facebook's new algorithm is to eliminate the spamming content and engagement bait. Click To Tweet

It simply wants its users to post quality content that is worth organic engagement.

It means that the tactics and strategies that were working excellently well a few months back might not obtain the same results now. Brands would now need to develop new engagement strategies to get that sugarcoated organic reach.

It doesn’t suggest that you need to start another Facebook page from scratch. You just need to rethink your next posts for better engagement.

So, here are the top 10 ways to increase your Facebook page engagement:

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Post Timings Matters

The most favorable time for posting any content is obviously when your followers are most active. It increases the possibility of your content reaching them. More interaction with your post would push Facebook to enhance your reach further.

You can create your social media calendar based on these timings. Along with your post timings, you should also analyze your post’s quality. It means you need to analyze your previous posts and share only those content at these timings that have high-engagement potential.

A Facebook scheduling tool will come in handy for posting matters. It would save you from forgetting to post and allow you the flexibility of playing with different post timings.

Create follower-centric content

When you manage a Facebook page whose ultimate purpose is brand promotion, you don’t need to post only product-based posts. A Facebook user would not follow your page only to see your products every day. Instead, try being creative with your posts and post content that your followers would enjoy. These can be memes or informative posts. Make sure that your Facebook page does not look like a mundane advertisement banner.

For instance, take Zomato’s Facebook page. They do not just post content about their effective food delivery system. Their page is full of memes that are in some or other way related to food. It keeps their engagement high and their followers happy.

Analyze your previous most engaging posts

Sometimes solutions could be found by self-introspection. Click To Tweet

Analyze your previous posts and see which posts got the most engagement. Understand the nature of it. Instead of considering it as a one-time wonder, try recreating posts based on a similar pattern to that particular post.

That post might be a meme, one-liners, case studies, etc. Try creating more of such posts and see if it is working. Save yourself from the guessing game and start analyzing your top-performing posts. The key here is to understand how your followers interact with the different posts that you have shared previously.

Enhance your visual content

It is a common phenomenon that visuals work far better than the text stuff on social media sites. People like to keep scrolling instead of stopping in between to read a post.

The key here is simple. Try creating more visuals for your Facebook page. Facebook pushes content with images and videos. It means that users like engaging more with the visual content.

Also, images like stock photos are not likely to perform well on the platform. If you notice some of the most popular brand pages on Facebook, you’ll find that these pages have created personalized templates and graphics for their content.

Content with striking visuals and catchy colors captures the attention of the serial scrollers on Facebook. Make sure your content has a catchy factor in it.

Comments and replies must not be ignored

When Facebook user comment on your post try to be generous and reply to them. Users like interacting with brands on the internet. If they do so with your brand, try returning them with favor.

You might have noticed that many popular brands, even with a substantial number of followers, reply to several selected comments on their posts. Or at least they like the comments on their post. Brands that manage to interact in the comment section score more engagement.

A timely reply can increase your value on the platform. Followers expect replies to their comments. By replying to them on time you’re making them feel valuable and important. It serves the purpose of creating a people-oriented brand strategy.

Improvise your on-site content

Likes and shares are the key indicators that highlight the posts that your audience wants to see. Thus, you should improvise what’s trending on Facebook to your own content on-site.

It might seem that those pointers, listicles, and click baits are substandard. But on looking at the statistics, you’ll find that these are the stuff that catches the most engagement.

Content like quizzes, short stories, fun facts, How-to posts, etc tempts people to click. So, if it is serving the purpose, don’t hesitate to tailor your content with this sort of content.

Include CTAs

Including CTAs in your posts is a direct way of asking your followers to interact with the post. But this doesn’t mean you’ll have to use those old methods of gaining engagement like “Like, Comment, and share”, “Tag your friends”, “Comment down below.”

Instead, be a little witty here and try asking questions. Questions that you know people would love to answer. It also reminds your fans on Facebook that you are allowing them to share their voice too.

Come up with a posting strategy that would make your followers think. It is a quick way of making them comment on your post.

Upload videos, Not links

Facebook loves video content. It wants its users to upload more and more videos on its platform.

Facebook encourages its users to upload videos directly to the platform instead of entering URLs. A social media site would not like its users to jump to another social media site through links. Thus, Facebook doesn’t push the posts that have URLs.

So, instead of copy-pasting links to your youtube video, download and upload the video on the platform. That would increase the engagement on your post multifold.

Whatever the type of video might be, make sure it runs directly on your Facebook page. It should not redirect your users to some other platform. Facebook doesn’t like that.


Keep it short

Try keeping the content on your post as short as possible. The reading time of your post should be minimal. Writing a full-fledged essay on your post would make your followers lose interest. Ultimately, your CTA would also decrease.

Some short-text posts that gain the most engagements are:

Short Questions

Excerpts from articles, books, or case-studies

Informative pointers

Puns with graphics

You don’t have to complicate it. Sometimes, a sentence is enough for guiding the audience to click through.

Go for employee advocacy

One of the ways of increasing shares on your post is employee advocacy. Instead of relying on followers to share the post, brands can leverage their employees and ask them to share the post on their Facebook accounts.

Softwares like Bambu let your employees share different posts on their Facebook handles directly through the software’s dashboard. These posts can be anything from photos and videos to blogs.

People like engaging with the posts shared by their friends or relatives. It is another benefit of employee advocacy. So, if you’re not using employee advocacy as one of your Facebook strategies, you’re missing out a lot.